Saturday, March 19, 2022

Xicalli: The Natural Ways of Mother Earth, Father Sky


“Don’t call them ‘old ways’ or ‘ancient ways.’ Call them Natural ways. They are not old, they are Natural. They are ways to help us live in harmony with Earth.”

Thomas Banyacya, Hopi elder


Understand Creation, her invisible and visible forces place us in a better place to participate with Earth’s Life-giving cycles. Much of the framework to do this was guarded and passed on by our Nahuatlaca ancestors who constructed this knowledge across thousands of years of experience and five centuries of brutal repression by western colonialism.


We are coming to the “end” of an important period in Earth’s dance with the Sun, her grandmother Moon, and his sisters the stars. Here is a review within the context of other Natural cycles.


Nine days before the Winter Solstice (birth of Huitzilopochtli), Earth begins a significant internal change that prepares her for receiving the solstice sun and eventually use that radiant power to renew that region of Earth, a process which culminates with the Spring equinox (when Tlazolteotl and Meyahuel integrate the forces from above and below for the creation of Life).


The nine days of Huitzilopochtli are part of a 13-day cycle before the Winter Solstice. On the ninth day there is manifestation of an integration involving Earth’s tonalli (solar vibration), ihiyotl (gaseos formation), atlachinolli (the electrified forces in water), and teyolia (electromagnetism). This can be detected at the bottom of Earth’s waterways, whose movement is detected and monitored by Tlalzolteotl’s Wolf, of one her animal companions.


It is important to note that this 13-day cycle is preceded by a 260-day cycle which began after the first day after the last Spring equinox. In this way, Huitzilopochtli’s birth mirrors a human gestation cycle (260 day of formation and 13 days of internal forces integrating). Thirteen days after the birth of Huitzilopochtli, the integration of those invisible Life-giving forces rise from inside Earth to her surface. It is at this time that Tlazolteotl’s Jaguar brings this force on his head.


This Tlazolteotl “season” occurs to the northern half the Earth during December and January and then to the southern half during July and August. It is important to know that this season is manifested in regions, not just the entire hemisphere at once. Our Nahuatlaca ancestors where careful always to identify and begin relationships with the “jicaras” or Xicalli (centers of life) and begin a relationship with the Invisible Forces of those Xicalli.

For our west Texas southern New Mexico community this Xicalli is Hueco Tanks State park.



Carlos Aceves Yolohuitzcalotl

Monday, March 14, 2022

Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative

El Viento de Aztlan 
Year Four Reed
 Primavera - Xihuitl Nahui Acatl  - Spring
Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative

Year 4 Reed, Day Two Crocodile

Wednesday, March 12, 2003


O’odham Jeved (Territories of the O’odham Nations) Izkalotlan, Aztlan - Emerging from a three-day traditional gathering of Indigenous Nations and Pueblos, a legation of Indigenous Peoples initiated today a global Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative intended to restore the principles of "yectlamatcayetoliztli" (PEACE) as a mandate of humanity from the future generations. The proclamation was made from the NAHUACALLI, Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples located in Phoenix, Arizona.


"We must disarm the global regime of nationalism of the state. The psychologies of hatred and competition under which the government states of the world would have us sacrifice our humanity and our children to senseless wars will no longer be tolerated. As Indigenous Peoples of the world, we further challenge the government states of the United Nations system to criminalize the destructive impact of warfare upon the ecosystems of the Earth itself, by defining appropriate international legal protocols regarding the conduct of warfare such as the Geneva Convention." Said Tupac Enrique Acosta, member of the Xicano Nahuatl Nation.


To implement the Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative, representatives of the diverse and distinct Indigenous Nations attending the launch of the global campaign, moved out from the Nahuacalli embassy in the Four Directions, with assignments to convoke the traditional spiritual leadership from around the world to engage in the restoration process of Peace and Dignity. The first objective of the Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative is to make known to the conscience of all humanity that the calls to war by the government states will not apply to the Indigenous Peoples globally, and will not be answered.


Instead, the Indigenous Nations of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala [Americas] propose that the indigenous nation confederations from around the world rise to reclaim the destiny of the future generations, by invoking spiritual and moral authority as the protectors of the Mother Earth. The Indigenous Peoples of this hemisphere have maintained such a spiritual, cultural, and political confederacy since time immemorial. This confederacy is known as the Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor.


In terms of communications, the IPPI has implemented a hyperspace linkup, and will be delivering a message to the United Nations representatives of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues under the Economic and Social Council on May 15 in New York. The Nahuacalli in Phoenix, Arizona will serve as clearing house for the first phase of the Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative.


Referring to the Xiuhpohualli, the count of years of Izkalotlan, Aztlan which correlates to other counts of calendar systems among the Maya and Nahua Nations, the legation travels now to fulfill an ancestral mandate called the prophecy of the Sixth Sun given on August the 13, 1521 in Mexico.

"It is the dawn of the Sun of Justice. The first rays of light from the East have been seen, they have been felt," said one youth who has made a lifelong commitment to the goals of the initiative. "Now is the time to go forward in a sacred manner. A new world is about to be born."









Thursday, March 10, 2022

Day 5 Nemontemi: Chicuace Xochitl


Yancuic Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli

Year 10 Rabbit : Año 10 Conejo

Friday March 11, 2022

Our Mexica New Year Celebration has now entered upon the fifth and final day of the 5 day Nemontemi count that serves as the passage of remembrance (past and future) and regeneration.

Today is the Nemontemi date Chicuace Xochitl 

Six Flower : Seis Flor


The five day count of days for this Xihuitl (year) are as follows:

Ome Cozcaquauhtli : Two Condor : Dos Cóndor

(Monday March 7)

Yei Ollin : Three Movement : Tres Movimiento

(Tuesday March 8)

Nahui Tekpatl : Four Flint : Cuatro Pedernal

(Wednesday March 9)

Macuilli Quiahuitl : Five Rain : Cinco Lluvia

(Thursday March 10)

Chicuace Xochitl : Six Flour : Seis Flor

(Friday March 11)


Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli Izkaloteka 



Xochimilco Izkaloteka

“Auh ceppa, ipan ce citelalli…”

“Once, upon a star…”


The starlight that is captured by the human eye is a flower.


Among all of the living creatures of our Sacred Mother Earth, the human being is unique in the ability to reflect upon and appreciate the great beauty of life in all of its forms and dimensions. The complementary symmetry and diversity of the flower is a universal symbol for the beauty of the natural world.

The fundamental forms of life on earth emerge from the interactions of earth and water, wind and fire which are also known as the four phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.


Yet another scientific description refers to these ecological interactions as a constant wave pattern of energy systems that undulate from the lithosphere to the hydrosphere, producing the atmosphere which generates the biosphere.


All of the human cultures of the world are expressions of the ancestral search for the dimensions and fluctuations of the planetary pattern.  Among the Nahuatlaca Nations, this journey produced the Tonalmachiotl which can be understood as a loom upon which the horizons of human experience are woven into knowledge, understanding, and beauty.


The narrative of the Tonalmachiotl speaks of four suns, four previous epochs of human history from which the Fifth Sun emerged. Within the counting and recounting of the horizons of the Izkaloteka, we have now arrived at the threshold of the House of Dawn of the Sixth Sun.


The flower of the human gaze into the heavens also produces a seed of awareness that when cultivated, creates a consciousness of the gazer as elemental to the world of beauty. It is the gaze that creates the beauty.


Our Father Sun is also a star. One not so very far away.




Xochimilco Izkaloteka

“Auh ceppa, ipan ce citelalli…”

Erase una vez…”

La luz de las estrellas que capta el ojo humano es una flor.

Entre todos los seres vivos de nuestra Sagrada Madre Tierra, el ser humano es único en la capacidad de reflexionar y apreciar la gran belleza de la vida en todas sus formas y dimensiones. Las formas fundamentales de vida en la tierra surgen de las interacciones de la tierra y el agua, el viento y el fuego, que también se conocen como las cuatro fases de la materia: sólido, líquido, gas y plasma.


Otra descripción científica más se refiere a estas interacciones ecológicas como un patrón de ondas constantes de sistemas de energía que ondulan desde la litosfera hasta la hidrosfera, produciendo la atmósfera que genera la biosfera.


Todas las culturas humanas del mundo son expresiones de la búsqueda ancestral de las dimensiones y fluctuaciones del patrón planetario. Entre las naciones náhuatlacas, este viaje produjo el Tonalmachiotl, que puede entenderse como un telar en el que los horizontes de la experiencia humana se tejen en el conocimiento, la comprensión y la belleza.


La narración del Tonalmachiotl habla de cuatro soles, cuatro épocas anteriores en historia humana de las que surgió el Quinto Sol. Dentro del conteo y recuento de los horizontes de la Izkaloteka, hemos llegado ya al umbral de la Casa del Amanecer del Sexto Sol.


La flor de la mirada humana hacia los cielos también produce una semilla de conciencia que, cuando se cultiva, crea una conciencia del observador como elemental del mundo de la belleza. Es la mirada la que crea la belleza.


Nuestro Padre Sol es también una estrella. Uno no muy lejano.





Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Day Four Nemontemi: Macuilli Quiahuitl


Yancuic Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli

Year 10 Rabbit : Año 10 Conejo


(Thursday March 10, 2022)


Our Mexica New Year Celebration has now entered upon the fourth day of the 5 day Nemontemi count that serves as the passage of remembrance (past and future) and regeneration.

Today is the Nemontemi date Macuilli Quiahuitl:
Five Rain: Cinco Lluvia


The five day count of days for this Xihuitl (year) are as follows:

Ome Cozcaquauhtli : Two Condor : Dos Cóndor

(Monday March 7)

Yei Ollin : Three Movement : Tres Movimiento

(Tuesday March 8)

Nahui Tekpatl : Four Flint : Cuatro Pedernal

(Wednesday March 9)

Macuilli Quiahuitl : Five Rain : Cinco Lluvia

(Thursday March 10)

Chicuace Xochitl : Six Flour : Seis Flor

(Friday March 11)


Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli Izkaloteka


 Seas of Emergence 


With what words the sky should fall upon?


Cloud spirits to carry them,


Falling away, falling away,


Falling away,

Falling away


To the sea and



Rain of Time

There is no such thing as seven seas. There is only an integral planetary hydrosphere of cyclic states of water systems in phase that are manifested in accord with natural laws. Thus, it is here-now where and how the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and the spirit of all life is manifested since time immortal.

Water is Life.

The spirit of water is the medium of life on the planet. 





Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.

Son gotas del tiempo

Que caen desde arriba.

Buscando su destino

En el rio de la serpiente,

Para descansar en la playa

de la

Luna luminosa.



Yancuic Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli

Año 10 Conejo : Year 10 Rabbit


(jueves 10 de marzo de 2022)

Nuestra Celebración del Año Nuevo Mexica ahora ha entrado en el cuarto día de la cuenta Nemontemi de 5 días que sirve como paso de recuerdo (pasado y futuro) y regeneración.

Hoy es la cita de Nemontemi Macuilli Quiahuitl.

Cinco Lluvia : Five Rian 





Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Day Three Nemontemi: Nahui Tekpatl


Yancuic Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli

Year 10 Rabbit : Año 10 Conejo


(Wednesday March 9, 2022)


Our Mexica New Year Celebration has now entered upon the third day of the 5 day Nemontemi count that serves as the passage of remembrance (past and future) and regeneration.

Today is the Nemontemi date Nahui Tekpatl:
Four Flint : Cuatro Pedernal


The five day count of days for this Xihuitl (year) are as follows:

Ome Cozcaquauhtli : Two Condor : Dos Cóndor

(Monday March 7)

Yei Ollin : Three Movement : Tres Movimiento

(Tuesday March 8)

Nahui Tekpatl : Four Flint : Cuatro Pedernal

(Wednesday March 9)

Macuilli Quiahuitl : Five Rain : Cinco Lluvia

(Thursday March 10)

Chicuace Xochitl : Six Flour : Seis Flor

(Friday March 11)


Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli Izkaloteka


From the obsidian flint stone, a spark flew. From the surface of the cold stone a small sharp flash of light and heat cut through the shadows of the universe and revealed itself in the depths of the collective consciousness of humanity.  From that initial fireplace, from the hearth of the original memories of the original ancestors, the sparkling trail of the stars running across the heavens led the Original Nations of Nican Tlacah to the present: Here-Now.


The seed of human knowledge came to be.




Yancuic Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli

Año 10 Conejo : Year 10 Rabbit

(miércoles 9 de marzo de 2022)

Nuestra Celebración del Año Nuevo Mexica ahora ha entrado en el tercer día de la cuenta Nemontemi de 5 días que sirve como paso de recuerdo (pasado y futuro) y regeneración.

Hoy es la cita de Nemontemi Nahui Tekpatl.

Cuatro Pedernal : Four Flint


Del pedernal de obsidiana saltó una chispa. Desde la superficie de la piedra fría, un pequeño destello agudo de luz y calor atravesó las sombras del universo y se reveló en las profundidades de la conciencia colectiva de la humanidad. Desde ese fogón inicial, desde el hogar de las memorias originales de los ancestros originales, la estela chispeante de las estrellas recorriendo los cielos condujo a las Naciones Originarias de Nican Tlacah al presente: Aquí-Ahora.

La semilla del conocimiento humano llegó a ser.


Xihuitl Matlactli Tochtli Izkaloteka

La cuenta de cinco días de este Xihuitl (año) es la siguiente: 

Ome Cozcaquauhtli : Dos Cóndores : Two Condor

(lunes 7 de marzo)


Yei Ollin : Tres Movimiento : Three Movement

(martes 8 de marzo)


Nahui Tekpatl : Cuatro Pedernal : Four Flint

(miércoles 9 de marzo)


Macuilli Quiahuitl : Cinco Lluvia : Five Rain

(jueves 10 de marzo)


Chicuace Xochitl : Seis Flor : Six Flower

(Viernes 11 de marzo)