Monday, March 22, 2021

IN ĪNEMATIYĀ ĀNĀHUAC : El Sentimiento de Anáhuac Tlanexpapalotl Chicanahui Calli Xihuitl 20 Marzo 2021



El Sentimiento de Anáhuac

Tlanexpapalotl Chicanahui Calli Xihuitl

20 Marzo 2021

Territorios de las Naciones O’otham - Norte


Tomando en cuenta el horizonte histórico del aniversario de los 500 años de despojo, colonización, e genocidio que nuestros Pueblos Originarios de Anáhuac hemos sobrevivido desde la fecha 13 agosto 1521;


Realizando la inherente y permanente voluntad cultural, político, y ecológico que mantenemos los Pueblos y Naciones Originarias de Anáhuac en virtud de nuestro derecho internacional de Libre Determinación;


Recordando y reafirmando que los limites de nuestros territorios ancestrales como Pueblos Originarios y Confederaciones de Naciones Indígenas de Anáhuac no se prescriben bajo ningún concepto colonizadora o legaloide como es la Doctrina del Descubrimiento de la Cristiandad, ni las fronteras internacionales impuestas con el Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848);


Denunciando la imposición de la Doctrina del Descubrimiento como base legaloide que el estado Mexicano sigue utilizando sin justificación moral o legal sobre nuestros territorios, plasmado en el concepto de Propiedad Originaria de la Nación, instituido con la Constitución de México 1917;


Repudiamos y rechazamos esta política racista, discriminatoria y feudal que el estado Mexicano actual sigue normalizando de forma depredadora y opresivo contra nuestros derechos colectivos como Pueblos Originales de Anáhuac, en particular en los casos de los megaproyectos;


Reafirmamos y proclamamos aquí nuestro IN  ĪNEMATIYĀ  ĀNĀHUAC, nuestros sentimientos y razón como como Pueblos Originales de Anáhuac, Pueblos Indígenas igual en derecho a todos los demás pueblos del mundo,


Hacemos llamado por todo lo ancho y profundo de Anáhuac de actualizar la destitución y derogación formal en el esquema político del estado Mexicano de la nefasta Doctrina del Descubrimiento y el concepto legaloide de Propiedad Originaria de la Nación, como un instrumento deshumanizador y genocida que sigue pretendiendo normalizar el despojo y la aniquilación de nuestros pueblos,


Proclamamos que el día 13 de agosto de 2021 como fecha de resolución definitiva y en el espíritu de la Libre Determinación como Pueblos Originales de Anáhuac, tomaremos las acciones necesarias de realizar justicia para nuestros pueblos, con el motivo de no dejar pasar otros 500 años mas de la destrucción de nuestra Sagrada Madre Tierra.


Naciones Originarias en Defensa de la Integridad Territorial de la Madre Tierra



Wednesday, March 17, 2021

TONAPAPALOTL CHICUACE TONATIUH : Sixth Sun Stone Monument at Barrios Unidos Park


Sixth Sun Stone Monument

 Barrios Unidos Park

16th Street and Mojave 

Phoenix, AZ

 A Monumental Eventuality 

 Plan Espiritual de Áztlan
Message of Carnalismo – Solidarity – Alliance

April 22, 2023

Self Respect – Self Sacrifice – Self Determination
“We are a union of free pueblos, we are Áztlan"
Sixth Sun Stone Monument
Cuatro Milpas Community Council

Two annual ceremonies of astronomical and cultural correlation:

Sixth Sun Stone Monument

Butterfly Suns

Spring and Fall Equinox


Mexica New Year
Miccailhuitl – Dia de los Muertos
Saturday November 4, 2023

Caminata Ancestral de Libre Determinación Indígena
desde el
(2214 E Mohave) en Golden Gate (2112 E Mohave)
hasta el Monumento del Sexto Sol en Barrios Unidos Park 16th Street and Mohave (1.5 miles) from

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 2023

For More information:



 Public Petition of Support
Solidarity with the International Recognition
of the
Sixth Sun Stone Monument
Barrios Unidos Park

Message to the City of Phoenix

For a Mexican Barrio that has all but vanished due to the expansion of Sky Harbor Airport and subsequent commercialization, the preservation of a sense of the past community history and culture is necessary in order to provide a true accounting of the present reality.

This sense of history and culture, which is now being regenerated, is a necessary part of a community healing process that struggles for justice.  When the world around you is described and you are not in it, there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw nothing.

The collective consciousness of this community has now united to resist this void.

We support the reintroduction and the regeneration of our ancestral sacred knowledge in the form of the depiction of the Sixth Sun Stone at Barrios Unidos Park, as an instrument of science and culture well recognized for its mathematical and astronomical precision.  This project intends to serve as a definitive element of our comprehensive community planning as Indigenous Peoples into the future generations, with the goal of realizing equilibrium and peace within our community, with all of humanity, and with Mother Earth.

Sixth Sun Stone Monument


Barrios Unidos Park

Community Ceremony of Commemoration

Wednesday September 22, 2021

6:00 – 8:00 PM

Community – Culture – Commitment

A History and a Legacy that continues.

Food – Raffle – Give Away

Activities for the Children


Twice every year, first in the spring and then in the fall, there comes a moment when the day and night are in perfect balance.  In the common calendar of today, this time is called the equinox.  In the ancestral calendar of the Izkaloteka, which is depicted in the Sixth Sun Stone Monument at Barrios Unidos Park, these times are known as the arrival of the Tonapapalome: Tlanexpapalotl - the Butterfly Sun of the Spring (red) and Yohualpapalotl - the Butterfly Sun of the Fall (purple).  The Butterfly Suns are moments of perfect equilibrium for all living beings on Mother Earth.


“The Mexican Barrio that refused to die.”

Los Cuatro Milpas Community Council


Tonal Yohualpapalotl Chicyei Tekpatl Xihuitl
Sunrise Fall Equinox
September 22, 2020

Observation is the foundation of all science.
The science of observation, is the science of science.

 Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth

Regeneration of the Ancestral Tolteca Corridor

Community - Cosmos - Culture - Calendar

Self Determination

“Inevitably, cultural self-government and cultural self-determination must precede their political and economic counterparts if these latter areas are to have any substance and significance.”

The Nations Within – The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty

By Vine Deloria Jr. and Clifford Lytle, ©1964 



Golden Gate Barrio * Las Cuatro Milpas * Barrio Ann Ott * Barrio Campito * Barrio Green Valley Park

Nuestros Barrios AZ: Is a group of dedicated individuals, agencies & business partners focused on preserving the memory, experiences and stories of historic barrios in Arizona.

Barrios Unidos Park

Community-Cultural Art Proposal




Nuestros Barrios is comprised of historic barrios located in Central City Phoenix, just west of Sky Harbor International Airport. Historically, the community has been impacted and displaced by the growth and development of the airport. Nuestros Barrios AZ is focused on the preservation of the memory, experiences, and stories of these historic barrios though various community development initiatives.

The creation of cultural public art will allow the community to reclaim, regenerate and “culturize” the area and provide an interactive educational experience and cultural awareness to the residents of Nuestros Barrios and for the entire community of Phoenix at large. 



Program Description:

a) TONATIERRA Community Development Institute working with artist AJ Larson, utilizing traditional, cultural and scientific methods of the “Mexikayotl” and focusing on the concrete platform amphitheater at Barrios Unidos Park, will capture and depict the careful and scientific observations of an Indigenous Peoples Sun Stone Calendar, in order to mark and serve as a permanent legacy of recognition and dignity for the Original Barrio of the ancestral 400 Milpas.  The project is embedded in an ongoing continental Indigenous Peoples cartography project of the Original Nations of Abya Yala.


The project at Barrios Unidos Park with launch with a ceremonial welcome of Yohualpapalotl at dawn of September 22, 2020 (Fall Equinox) on site.


The project will be implemented in exercise and in accord with the Cultural Competency Policy of the City of Phoenix in regard to public works, and in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), specifically articles:

Article 11

Indigenous peoples have the right to practice and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs. This includes the right to maintain, protect and develop the past, present and future manifestations of their cultures, such as archaeological and historical sites, artifacts, designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature.

Article 13

Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons.



Through this Community Cultural Art initiative, TONATIERRA will provide the community(s) of Nuestros Barrios with the following services:


●  Indigenous Peoples Educational Services and Consulting

●  Community/Cultural Public Art Installation at Barrios Unidos Park

Antigua Residencia de los Aztecas
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo US-Mexico 1848

About the Artist: The artist AJ Larson has agreed to work with TONATIERRA and the community, free of charge to complete the public art display in Barrios Unidos Park in Phoenix, AZ.

Launch Date: September 22, 2020

Location: Barrios Unidos Park located at 16th Street and Mohave Phoenix, AZ 85034


Tonal Machiotl:
A Xinachtli Workshop with Carlos Aceves

September 5, 2020

Tonal Tlanexpapalotl Chicnahui Calli Xihutil
Sunrise Spring Equinox
Sol Mariposa - Butterfly Sun
March 20, 2021

Observation is the foundation of all science.
The science of observation, is the science of science.

UNDRIP: Human Rights of the Future Generations

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Eighth Session  May 20, 2009 UN Headquarters New York, NY

Agenda Item: 4 (a) Human Rights
Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Self Determination: It's not a question, it's a quest.

That in follow-up to the above and in anticipation of emerging themes for future work, the UNPFII establish partnership with the diverse initiatives of the Indigenous Peoples across the planet in terms of Education and Human Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, in accord with the principles of the UNDRIP, and in particular as related to the development of complementary systems and services of social cognition, compilation and dissemination of bioregional planning instruments, such as the Indigenous Peoples Geography Project.

Itilmaloyan Abya Yala


Barrio Cuatro Milpas Peace Treaty

Raiz de Áztlan