Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth

 Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth

Regeneration of the Ancestral Tolteca Corridor

Community - Cosmos - Culture - Calendar

Self Determination

“Inevitably, cultural self-government and cultural self-determination must precede their political and economic counterparts if these latter areas are to have any substance and significance.”


The Nations Within – The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty

By Vine Deloria Jr. and Clifford Lytle, ©1964 





It was to befall the Maya K’iche ceremonial leader Policarpo Chaj to be the emissary of the Maya Nations of Iximuleuw [Guatemala] and the Nahuat Nations of Cuzcátlan [El Salvador] when he traveled to the sacred S’moadoag Mountain of the O’otham Nations in Arizona to conduct the Maya Calendar ceremony on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012.  The ceremony marked the completion of the the calendar cycle of the 13th Baktun consisting of 5,130 years, where each Baktun is a count 144,000 days comprised of 20 kʼatun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar.


The ceremony had been invoked by the Izkaloteka, Nahuatl relatives of the O’otham who trace their ancestral Azteca-Tolteca lineages to the territory of Huehuetlapallan, the Ancient Red Lands of the north which corresponds to the watershed of the Great Colorado River in Arizona.


The migration of the Tolteca south into Mexico is said to have originated from Huehuetlapallan led by Mixcoatl, whose name means “Cloud Serpent”.  Mixcoatl is also the name given to the great celestial arc of star clusters commonly known today as the Milky Way galaxy.


According to legend, Mixcoatl is the father of Quetzalcoatl.


In Mexico, the Tolteca established the center of their confederation at Tula in the state of Hidalgo.  It was from Tula, Hidalgo in the year 1054 that Topilzín Acxitl Quetzalcóhuatl, the great iconic leader of the Toltecayotl, departed to establish the Tolteca settlements of Izalco and Cuzcátlan in what is now called El Salvador. Also, Tula is named in the Maya sacred narrative of the Popul Vuh as a primary location of the spring of knowledge from whence the ancestral calendar emerged.




While most of the narrative around the 2012 date corresponds to the markets of popular reporting and cultural expropriation aimed for the general public, the event in Arizona was distinct.


With the 13th Baktun ceremonies which occurred at Smoadoag (South Mountain) in Arizona on the winter solstice of 2012, a millennial cycle of historical continuity among the Maya-Tolteca, Nahua-Izkaloteka-O’otham also came to maturity, strengthening and advancing the international agenda of self-determination as Indigenous Peoples. As was noted by Vine Deloria, any agenda of self-determination by any peoples requires the cultural component as base. There can be no effective agenda of indigenous self-determination within the conceptual constraints of the colonizers calendric systems. Such constructs are platforms of reduction and control, commodification and dehumanization, and ultimately alienation from the natural world.


The celebration of the fulfillment of the 13th Baktun on the winter solstice of 2012 has as its measurement of cyclical proportion a fundamental set unit of 20 days which is marked by the Maya Long Count starting on August 13, 3114 BCE.  Known today as the cicitlalmina, the original date has correspondence to the annual appearance of the Perseid Meteor Shower every year in mid-August.  Today, the Tolteka-Izkaloteka continue to celebrate the annual arrival of the cicitlalmina.  The active imagery of this astronomical phenomena symbolically depicts the falling of rain upon the original milpa (cornfield) of the ancestral nations of Anahuac.


With this history and foundation in place, in 2020 the Continental Commission Abya Yala called for the Izcalli Abya Yala Continental Indigenous Uprising and Emergence to coincide and synchronize with the Spring-Fall equinoxes of that year. 



The call of the Izcalli Abya Yala of 2020 was to vision, to organize and exercise the Right of Self Determination as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples acting in Continental Alliance and Confederation in defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth. Since 2020, the processes of uprising and emergence, evaluation and organizing from local-regional, continental-global scales of incidence by the Indigenous Nations of Abya Yala continues to develop and mature.


The Cochabamba Protocols


The World Conference on the Rights of Mother Earth and Climate Change in Cochabamba, Bolivia took place in 2010.  The event was attended by some 30,000 people from over 100 countries.


After Cochabamba, the conceptual and political disconnect between the rhetoric of the “progressive” and “ecologically sustainable” discourse at the international levels collapsed of its own weight.  It became evident, not for the first time of course, but in today’s time that there was an urgent need to intentionally shift the paradigm of context of the global climate beyond the limiting and controlling agendas of the “sovereign state” Westphalian system (AKA the UN system) and move strategically into regeneration of a global set of relationships of INTERDEPENDENCE as Nations of Peoples of Mother Earth.


In Cochabamba at the World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, these principles were hailed as the Cochabamba Protocols, but when Bolivia dropped the ball and abandoned leadership of the initiative, all of the global movements of social justice who saw the Climate Chaos crisis as the common field of struggle were left in the lurch.


Today in 2022, in the wake of the recent failures of the UN systems to competently address the climate crisis impacting the planet and all humanity, the call is now for the invocation of the defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth as a fundamental and complementary principle and strategic framework in order to interconnect, interrelate and move forward outside of the fractured and competing agendas of the states, and the economic interests of supra-national corporate dominion and exploitation that control and define the terms of the climate change crisis in terms of “development”.


This year 2022 will mark the first ten years of commemoration of the 13th Baktun ceremonies of 2012 that Policarpo Chaj conducted at the sacred site of the Smoadoag, South Mountain. Ten years from now, the first twenty years of the current Baktun will have been fulfilled, which will complete the first of 20 cycles of 20 years of kʼatun, a count to be completed 400 years from now. Seven generations and regenerations of the Original Nations of Abya Yala will then continue on to the next level of the sacred cycle of Baktun.


This time of accounting, remembrance and sacred regeneration is to be marked by the Izkaloteka during the Huitziltonal, Hummingbird Sun ceremonies of commemoration during the Winter Solstice Sun of December 21, 2022.


In a moment’s time

There is a place

Where all that came to be


In grace



Nican Tlacah



Abya Yala


Continental Commission Abya Yala


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