Monday, December 20, 2021

Huitziltonal Chicnahui Calli Xihuitl - 21 diciembre 2021

Huitziltonal Chicnahui Calli Xihuitl
21 diciembre 2021


Han sido siglos y siglos

Pero para nosotros ya no son.

Por que nosotros no somos

seguidores de los siglos.


somos contadores de los cielos

Y ahora

Es este cielo que nos esta


Con las llamas de un

Fuego Sagrado

Azulado la tierra

Azulado el viento

Y la Abuelita Mar

Nos hace recordar

Conociendo y reconociendo

El sonido del suspiro del creador

A tocar la costa de cada continente

De Cemanahuac.

Nos hacen sentir la responsabilidad

De ser

lo que somos.

Somos responsables con la Madre Tierra,

Somos tambien responsables con la Abuelita Mar

Y el Viento de Fuego,

El Fuego de Vientos

Nos hacen sentir

Lo que ahora nosotros


Hemos creado

En un un momento

Para cumplir.



Tonantzin and El Sexto Sol

Nine days before the arrival of the Huitziltonal (Sun of the Winter Solstice) on December 21st, the traditional Nahuatlaca ceremonies of the Izkaloteka begin with preparations and offerings which are placed on the altars of Tonantzin, Our Sacred Mother Earth.

The highest altars are found in the Sacred Mountains.

Although visible at all times, these altars are only evident in the light of sacred sight which emanates from the
OrigiNations of the Indigenous Peoples who are the caretakers of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.


Architectures of the States and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth


As Peoples of Mother Earth, we collectively determine to regenerate our relationships among ourselves within a Cultural Climate of Mutual Respect, Inclusion, Complementarity, and Self Determination beyond the existing constrains of the international systems of state sovereignty and in responsibility to the well-being of the future generations;


Recognizing that unless this fundamental dimension of international relationships among human societies at the planetary level is first recognized, established and affirmed, there will be no sustainable progress in addressing effectively and in timely manner the Climate Chaos scenario that now befalls all of Humanity due to the impacts on Global Climate exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions by industrial society and extractive industries in particular in complicity with national government states and existing international monetary systems and institutions.


Therefore we proclaim and hereby reaffirm in collective Responsibility as Peoples of Mother Earth, in Equality with all Peoples, our collective Right of Representation and Self Determination in addressing the issues before the COP26 beyond the constraints of the architecture of the States and their agreements;


We further affirm and proclaim in Full, Effective, and Complete exercise of our equally shared Right of Self Determination as Peoples of Mother Earth, that our Sacred Mother Earth is subject of the Right of Self Determination beyond the limited juridical constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in UN system and the international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements;

World Water: ONE




Tenamaztle of the Cosmos

La Chacana

Chakana Cross
Three Steps
Emergence – Presence - Return

The three steps represent levels of attainment of consciousness in the three 'worlds' or tiers:
 * Hanan Pacha: the upper world of the stars, celestial beings and gods (also represented by the condor)
 * Kay Pacha: the middle world of Mother Earth and human life (also represented by the puma)
* Uqhu Pacha: the lower world of the underworld and death (also represented by the snake)

Central hole
The central hole represents the Incan capital of Cusco, the portal from one tier to the next, and the Eye of God.

Twelve points
The entire symbol additionally represents the cyclical year, with each of the twelve corners corresponding to a month.

Four arms
The four 'cross' arms represent:

    * the four directions of the compass,
    * the four 'classical elements' of earth, air, water and fire,
    * the four main stars of the Southern Cross, an important constellation for the Inca, who believed that was the centre of the Universe.



Sunday, December 12, 2021

Tonantzin and El Sexto Sol

Nine days before the arrival of the Huitziltonal (Sun of the Winter Solstice) on December 21st, the traditional Nahuatlaca ceremonies of the Izkaloteka begin with preparations and offerings which are placed on the altars of Tonantzin, Our Sacred Mother Earth.

The highest altars are found in the Sacred Mountains.

Although visible at all times, these altars are only evident in the light of sacred sight which emanates from the
OrigiNations of the Indigenous Peoples who are the caretakers of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.


World Water: ONE


Monday, October 18, 2021

Xochimikeh: Flowering of the Ancestors

There is a day, one of twenty in the Tonal Machiotl (Aztec Calendar) that is Mikiztli, a skull representing not death as ending but as the seed of Life. Every 20 days our ancestors honored “those who have been offered to the Spirit world” or Xochimikeh.

There was also a time when a community honored all Xochimikeh. During these “Days of the Dead” the different deceased were honored in a special way: the children, elders, adults, women who died in childbirth, and warriors. This is the festival of Xochimikeh, carried on when the count of 13 (the Aztec Calendar counts only goes up to 13 then back to one) matched the Micailhuitl or Mikiztli (day of the Dead). This happens every 260 days, the amount of human gestational period marked by the cycle of Venus from Evening to Morning Star, the nine Moon cycles of 28 days, and the nine special orbital points between Earth and Sun.



When the Spaniards invaded Anahuak, they banned all Nahuatlaca ceremony unless it was done within a Catholic context. Centuries earlier, the Holy Roman Empire that succeeded in defeating the Celtic Confederation, forcing them to accept Christianity. In this transition, they allowed the Celtic honoring of the dead to continue but as all Saints and all Souls days. The Celts conducted this ceremony at the end of October (October 31 through Novemeber 2), as part of their harvest festival.

As the Anahuacas were forced to celebrate their ceremony as Catholics, we transferred the customs and protocols of Xochimikeh to all Saints and all Souls days and called them Dias de los Muertos.


While the Mexica ceremony is very similar to the ancient one, the dates are different. This year the days of the dead will be during 13-Eagle and 1-Condor. The next match of 13-Mikiztli will be on December 2, 2021.


Xochimikeh: Florecen los Muertos


Hay un día, uno de los veinte en el Tonal Machiotl (Calendario Azteca) que es Mikiztli, una calabera representando no a la muerte sino a la semilla de Vida. Cada 20 días nuestros ancesotros honraban a “aquellos quienes se habían ofrendado al mundo de los Espíritus” ó Xochimikeh. Había también un tiempo cuando una comunidad honraba a todos los Xochimikeh. Durante éstos días “Días de la Muerte” los diferentes tipos de muertes eran honrados de una manera especial: Los(las) niños(niñas), los(las) ancianos(as), adultos, mujeres que morían durante el parto, y los(las) guerreros(as).

Este es el festival de Xochimikeh, llevado a cabo cuando la cuenta de 13 (la cuenta del Calendario Azteca sólo va hasta el 13 y de ahí se regresa al uno) emparejando a Micailhuitl ó a Mikiztli (día de los Muertos). Esto sucede cada 260 días, la cantidad del período de gestación humana marcado por el cíclo de Venus cuando pasa de ser la Esterlla de la Tarde a ser la Estrella de la Mañana, los nueve cíclos Lunares de 28 días y los nueve puntos especiales orvitales entre la Tierra y el Sol.


Cuando los españoles invadieron el Anahuak, ellos prohibieron toda ceremonia Nahuatlaca a menos que fuera hecha dentro del contexto católico. Siglos antes, El Santo Imperio Romano que triunfara en vencer a la Confederación Celta, fueron forzados a aceptar la cristianidad. En esta transición, les permitieron a los Celtas honrar a los muertos pero como “Todos los Santos” y “el Día de las Almas”. Los Celtas conducían esta ceremonia al final de Octubre (del 31 de Octubre hasta el 2 de Noviembre) como parte de su festival de la cosecha. Así mismo, los Anahuacas fueron forzados a celebrar su ceremonia como católica, transferimos las costumbres y protocolos de Xochimikeh a los Días de Todos los Santos y de las Almas y le llamamos Día de los Muertos.


Mientras que la ceremonia Mexica es muy similar a la antigua, las fechas son diferentes. Este año los Días de la Muerte serán durante 13-Aguila y 1-Condor.  El siguiente emparejamiento de 13-Mikiztli será el 2 de Diciember, 2021.


Carlos Aceves Yolohuitzcalotl





Chicnahui Calli Xihuitl

Calpolli Nahuacalco


...No somos turistas en la tierra...


La Corrida de las Calaveras

Traditional Barrio Run

Dawn – Almanecer

Domingo 31 octubre 2021




Thursday, August 12, 2021

Architectures of the States and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth

The architectures of the States and their Agreements are insufficient, incompetent, and unrepresentative of our political will and our self determination as Peoples of Mother Earth to address the systemic causes of climate change with the necessary holistic and equitable approach that is necessary to avoid ecosystem collapse and TERRACIDE.

As Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth, we collectively determine to regenerate our relationships among ourselves within a Cultural Climate of Mutual Respect, Inclusion, Complementarity, and Self Determination beyond the existing constrains of the international systems of state sovereignty and in responsibility to the well being of the future generations;

Recognizing that unless this fundamental dimension of international relationships among human societies at the planetary level is first recognized, established and affirmed, there will be no sustainable progress in addressing effectively and in timely manner the Climate Chaos scenario that now befalls all of Humanity due to the impacts on Global Climate exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions by industrial society and extractive industries in particular in complicity with national government states and existing international monetary systems and institutions.

Therefore we proclaim and hereby reaffirm in collective Responsibility as Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth, in Equality with all Peoples, our collective Right of Representation and Self Determination in addressing the issues of the planetary climate crisis which threatens humanity beyond the constraints of the architecture of the States and their agreements;

We further affirm and proclaim in Full, Effective, and Complete exercise of our equally shared Right of Self Determination as Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth, that our Sacred Mother Earth is subject of the Right of Self Determination beyond the limited juridical constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in UN system and the international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements;




In fulfillment of our shared mandate of responsibilities to the Future Generations and taking DIRECT ACTION to realize the DECOLONIZATION of MOTHER EARTH,

We declare our INTERDEPENDENCE and Solidarity as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth and call for the recognition, respect, and protection for the particular and integral constituencies of our Peoples of Mother Earth as represented in our responsibilities to the Watersheds, the Earth:Waters and Single Sea (hydrosphere) of the planet, beyond the disjointed and corrupt constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in the UN system and the present international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements;

Such principles of Recognition, Respect and Protection to then be instituted to address the corollary ecological responsibilities as inscribed in the climate issues of the inter-relationships of the Wind:Sun, namely Mother Earth's atmospheric and planetary energetic systems, both natural and technological, including greenhouse gas emissions.

In furtherance of which we affirm and now proclaim our mutual commitment to defend and protect the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth as a fundamental tenet of International Law which integrates the Right of Self Determination of the Nations of Indigenous Peoples to intervene in the defense of Mother Earth and to take necessary corrective action in exercise of the right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in defense of their territories and nations.

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Decolonization and Indigenous Self Determination

Decolonization and Indigenous Self Determination
Descolonización y Libre Determinación

June 22, 2021
Interview with Tupac Enrique Acosta, Huehuecoyotl
Rapid City in the 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty Territories

Archives of Aztlan

January 4, 1994 Letter to Mexican President Salinas de Gortari

It must be mentioned as well that the proposals for a NAFTA trade corridor which would traverse the territories of the Tohono O’Odham Nation in the region of Sonora/Arizona were never submitted for consideration by the Tohono O’Odham peoples who would be most affected.

Sr.  Presidente, we also take this opportunity to express our concern regarding the unilateral action which you have taken regarding the recognition of Indigenous Codices as valid documentation for the protection of aboriginal land titles in Mexico.  It is our understanding that under the Law of Agrarian Reform, these indigenous documents were admitted as valid and enforceable until your office issued a presidential decree in 1992 unilaterally abrogating this indigenous right to primordial titles.  This development cannot but be seen as another deliberate effort to undermine the land base of the aboriginal sovereignties of Mexico, and an element of the instability in Chiapas.


January 1, 2019

Self Determination and Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the New NAFTA Trade Zone of North America [Canada-US-Mexico]

With the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP 2007) which affirms the international right of Indigenous Peoples to Self Determination, equal to all other peoples, the purported claims of dominion of the colonial states over the inherent human rights of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mexico, Anáhuac comes to its demise as a legitimate principle in the rule of International Law. The Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Anáhuac, Mexico are free to determine their own future in their own terms on their own territories in our continent of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala.

Since UNDRIP, no state, no matter how benign, can legitimately delegate, define or diminish these collective Indigenous Rights.  It falls to the states to recognize, respect, and institute guarantees for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with effective restorative consequences for the violation of these rights.

In this sense, the critical question of historical context that emerged in contrast and contradiction in the Zócalo of Mexico City on December 1 was punctuated by the signing in approval of the final draft text of the USMexicoCanada Agreement 2018 (USMCA) on the evening of November 30, the night before, by exiting Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto. The USMCA is being promoted as a revised and “modernized” version of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Just as on January 1, 1994 with the original NAFTA, December 1, 2018 marked the latest updated version of the colonial project of corporate capitalism riding south from the Rancho Grande of North America. Now disguised as a development strategy in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, the US-Mexico-Trade Agreement is being unleashed.

Simultaneously, the indigenous resistance to the USMCA is being packaged and delivered to its new political managers, as yet just another commodity to be marketed in the public square, via social media platforms, as long as the corporate colonizing project itself remains on track. AMLO himself reaffirmed this in his speech announcing the decision of his government to ramrod the Maya Train project in the Yucatan which is already set to begin construction. 

Of particular serious concern is the lack of recognition and respect given by AMLO in his inaugural address to the principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) regarding economic development projects that impact the territories and Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

January 26, 2018

TONATIERRA: Communique and Demand to President Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico

Señor Presidente:

It is with growing concern with which we hear of developments in Mexico that give testimony to the degradation of the Territorial Rights and Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the country.  We are aware that ever since the adoption of the principle of “Original Property of the Nation” in the Mexican Constitution of 1917 that the “nefarious” principles of the Doctrine of Discovery and the Papal Bulls of Pope Alexander VIInter Caetera” have served to legitimize the usurpation of the territorial rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico under the cultural, political, economic, and legal superstructures of the Spanish invaders who brutally attempted to dominate and colonize Mexico directly for 300 years, until independence in 1821.


Nahuacalli Educators Alliance: DACA and the Doctrine of Discovery

September 16, 2017
Nahuacalli Educators Alliance
DACA Position Statement

Self Determination is an inherent human right. It is not a delegated status to be distributed according to the Machiavellian raison d’état of the state, much less to be assigned or denied upon the whims of this or that political party in power in the capitols of the settler state systems of America whose very presence on our continent of Abya Yala is based upon the globally denounced, repudiated, and racist Doctrine of Discovery of October 12, 1492, embedded in the jurisprudence of the US legal system by the SCOTUS decision Johnson v. M'Intosh (1823), extended continentally by the Monroe Doctrine (1823) and instituted by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (US-Mexico 1848) in violation of the Right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples, as is once again being now "modernized" in the era of the global Empire of Petropolis by the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (1994-2018).

Faithkeeper Oren Lyons addresses the United Nations General Assembly on the 10th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, calling for an INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples